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Acting, Set DesignI started off as a theatre designer, and by some extraordinary circumstance I saw something in Stratford-upon-Avon, and realized that that's the kind of design I want, but also that that's the kind of designer I'll never be.DenchJudi
Costumes, Set DesignBe daring, be different, be impractical; be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the play-it-safers, the creatures of the commonplace, the slaves of the ordinary. Routines have their purposes, but the merely routine is the hidden enemy of high art. [Advice to theatrical designers,]BeatonCecil
Lighting, Set DesignWhen it's good design, you alone will know. When it's bad design - everyone will tell you!Unknown 
Lighting, Set Design, BackstageIf I wanted to have people tell me what to do, I would have become an actor.HuddRob
Lighting, Set Design, CostumesThe sole aim of the arts of scene-designing, costuming, lighting, is to enhance the natural powers of the actor.Edmond JonesRobert
Set DesignThere is no more reason for a room on a stage to be a reproduction of an actual room than for an actor who plays the part of Napoleon to be Napoleon, or for an actor who plays Death in the old morality play to be dead.Edmond JonesRobert
Set DesignEugene Lee is a set designer who's famously said that he hates scenery. The reason it's such a joy to work with him is he's never designing the scenery, he's designing the room in which theater is going to take place. It makes for a much more vibrant conversation about what we're going to work on together. [Oskar Eustis , artistic director of the Public Theater, Boston]EustisOskar
Set DesignEverything placed in the performance space, with the characters, creates a context for their story.
What is the shape of the space?
How do the shapes and colours within the space relate to the characters?
How do they 'frame' them?
What comments do the frames make about the characters and their worlds?
HallPeter Ruthven
Set DesignDesigners play with scale and proportion, making the ordinary extraordinary by taking an object out of context and changing its scale in relation to the characters' size and appearance.HallPeter Ruthven
Set DesignA ground plan is important in terms of its rigor. If your plan is soggy and weak, your production will be soggy and weak.HaysDavid
Set DesignIf I weren’t a theatre designer, I wouldn’t be any other kind of designer. Design is interesting to me as it relates to narrative: the design has to support the narrative. Storytelling is the most important thing.JonesChristine
Set DesignI want everyone to feel as much as possible as if they inhabit the same space. They more fluid the relationship between actor and audience, the better.JonesChristine

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